SFM specializes in both financial planning and investment management. Think of financial planning as the process of creating a future road map. Here, we will learn about what you deem most important in life and help you develop a plan to ensure a sustainable financial future. Alternatively, you can think of investment management as the thinking and research that goes into determining the investments that will help you reach your long term goals while taking on the least possible amount of risk. Financial planning takes a broader look while investment management is more targeted.
Financial Planning
- Retirement Funding Plans
- Retirement Analysis
- Education Savings Plan
- Risk Analysis
- Tax Planning
- Personal Net Worth Statement
Investment Management
- Current Holdings Review
- Security Analysis
- Portfolio Design
- Asset Allocation
- Account Management
- Distribution Strategies
- IRA/401(k) Rollovers
Financial Planning
SFM offers a complete, comprehensive, financial evaluation that formulates a financial plan to lead clients forward. This process is very interactive and requires a level of mutual understanding between that client and the advisor that is necessary in creating a plan that fits the client's situation. Following are some of the components that SFM considers when drawing up a plan:
- Financial Position and Cash Flow – We will take the time to evaluate your current financial position and statement of cash flows. Here we uncover the sustainability of your current habits and determine whether or not adjustments must be made in order for you to reach your long term goals. This service provides us with a foundation on which to build a financial plan.
- Retirement Planning – This step encompasses the discussion of many topics that are integral to creating a complete retirement plan. We review expected social security benefits, current retirement investment accounts, assets, liabilities, and retirement goals.
- Education Planning – There are many strategies and investment vehicles available to help you or your children save for future education costs. With the price of college tuition ticking up every year, it is becoming more and more important to save for college in a safe, smart, tax efficient way. SFM will help you do this by recommending one of the following investment options depending on your individual situation: Mutual Funds, UGMA/UTMAs, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, and Section 529 Plans.
- Risk Management – SFM will evaluate the appropriate amount of insurance that is required to protect you from general risk. We do not, cannot and will not sell insurance. If you need insurance, in most cases, we will provide you with a list of no-load, direct sale, life insurance companies. If you have a complicated insurance need, we will assist you in getting competitive bids from reputable, local firms.
- Income Tax Planning – Portfolio management includes implementing an effective income tax strategy. SFM will help you determine the best time to realize income taxes, attempt to reduce the overall amount of income taxes that you pay, and shift your current or future tax liabilities in way that is the most beneficial to your individual situation.